Wednesday, January 25, 2012


So Edward and I both have been MIA from this place for quite a while now...maybe like 2 or 3 months? The reason for that is because I had exams back in December, and Edward has exams right now. BUT that doesn't mean we haven't done anything photography!

I will let Edward update you guys if he wants, but as for myself, I FINALLY got my website done! Along with that my business cards as well! Over the winter break, I got the help of three very good friends to help design me a new logo, a business card, and my website. Needless to say, they did an AMAZING job, all three super smart people, and extremely creative.

Since I got my website up, I have actually been contacted to do an event, which is very exciting! So for the next little while, I will be trying to expose myself more, and at the same time still experimenting on many different things.

Also I will be purchasing a new camera in the VERY near future...a Canon 7D! I cannot wait especially to film, because a long with photography, I've always wanted to film. I actually have a script written up already, ready to be filmed sometime within the next year. It is my first time directing anything, so there will be a lot of problems that I will encounter, but it is all a lesson! So yeah, watch out for that coming out soon!

That's basically all for now, I PROMISE we will start posting more often again soon.

Thanks for all your support,

P.S. here is the link to my website: